Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thoughts on Mista Moreskee post....

this morning   @Mista Moreskee posted a couple of questions th@ have alluded the hip hop masses for an answer..the questions :
Why is it that Chicago doesn't support their own artist? Why is it that Chicago supports them out of city kats more than they support their own? Why is it that when a Chicago artist leaves this city and performs else where, he/she draws more attention? Why is it that if an artist moves to a different state and becomes a successful artist, we call him/ her a sell out? Why does NYC call us " 2nd city." why are we labeled as "hater city?"

Now This is my attempt to shed some light on these questions : I have been and off again on again part of the Chicago hip hop community since 1984..the first ppl i met were Ice Lee (Lonnie) (rip) , his brother Ray (rip) , Scope Speedy  , L.E.V. Jc Apache and his brother Viper, the last few  ppl i met during th@ time perion were my dude Rio G , Rappin tate the great, Demons of Dialect , Gravity , Power , Pc flow ,H2O , Sir Ice B,Strangelation,thingamagig, big bass (rip) , Ice Lee , shockwave  ,traxster boogie , k-tone  (rip) and i have been an observer for many moons :
Why is it that Chicago doesn't support their own artist? 

First let me say how can ppl support ppl they never see , if u in a place th@ is wall to wall hip hop artist then u r definately in the wrong place , unless u there to network and build community , but th@ isn't where u go to build a fan base of ppl in chicago to support u , I don't understand why they think a bunch of artist knowing u is chicago knowing u , they don't actually go out there and get a fanbase , SAW were considered wack to most hiphop artist but the ppl were kinda rocking with them for a minute, because they saw them actually tryin to get some where and the were actively engagin them

Well i won't say th@ Chicago  doesnt support it's artist < I will say Chicago artist don't support each other , is a more proper interpretation of the actual problem or perceieved problem we face ..the chicagoland area is 9million ppl deep..  then u had ppl running around Chicago with a NYC mindset tryin to tell ppl wh@ is hip hop and wh@ is not , chicago Hip hop is not NYC hip hop never has been and never will be...chicago the ppl r not gonna support fan boys..if u dick ridin Ny dudes then they don't respect u , same goes for downsouth and west-coast...allot of our hip hop community is fanboys tryin to be like their favorite hip hop artist and are not original and really are just retreads of NYc boom bap or down-south trap and bounce or west coast g-funk,rider music or hyphy. The normals follow where they  r lead , if the artist here are supporters of the artist here no matter the style ,then the normals  become fans and supporters of the artist here ....ask any NY person th@ knows me , my motto is phuck new york i don't give a phuck about New york , i'm Pro chicago and Pro midwest ,  I respect wh@ old school hip hop artist have done , but i don't look up to any of them dudes nor do i strive to emulate or imitate any of those dudes and i teach my ppls old and young to respect your own architects not the architects th@ an east coast centric media has decided are the architects ..allot of our collective Chicago history has been lost or forgotten except , by  those of us who were there and lived it..

Why is it that Chicago supports them out of city kats more than they support their own? 

 Because they are fan boys who have learned about the industry from a fan based perspective , they don't read industry rags they read industry mags..they don't talk about Chicago emcees and midwest emcees they only talk about the ppls they know and talk bad or down about the ppl they don't to make themselves look bigger in the fan boy clique , also most Chicago artist got it phucked up , they looking @ a Jay-z fan pissed off th@ they like Jay-z more than them not understanding all they want from them is some jay-z or dmx lvl material , case in point kayne west..Chicago will support wh@ they like and u can't force them to phuck wit u , and u can't call them haters , just because they think your shyt is wack...i have tried to sell allot of these artist mixtapes in the streets and muthaphuckas not phuckin with them , because they most of the time r not hot , hell most arent even lukewarm..why  would u settle for an imitation when the original is alive and still makin music , why would u want to listen to somebody th@ is so heavily influenced by another artist th@ all their songs just sound like imitation versions of the artist they look up to songs..

 Why is it that when a Chicago artist leaves this city and performs else where, he/she draws more attention?
Because your truest fanbase is usually not in your own town especially if your town is a multi side metroplois
 and has a janky has a artist scene , then it's hard to get outside of the scene perse to the true fans , but when u rock out of town , they usually want u there , so it's an overall better experience , than perform on a bill with a bunch of artist th@ think the better than u with a crowd full of artist th@ have rampant ego problems

Why is it that if an artist moves to a different state and becomes a successful artist, we call him/ her a sell out?
most artist move , but only 3% actually become well known , the ones we call sellouts are the ones who open , no offices , studios or record labels , promotion comapny , graphics company or something useful to the artist community here ..they suppossedly know how hard it is to make it from here , but there actions never prove it..and truth be told most of the artist who have made it , never really shine light back on the city , they only shine light on the ppl they can control and manipulate or the ppl who jockin them other than that they act like they were the only person here doing something..

Why does NYC call us " 2nd city."  ?
because we r the nations official second city , not as in second to NY , but second in importance on all lvls , and if we second in comparison to 50 states total , th@ really isn't a bad place to be, since 1-3 get awards and trophies we just haven't showed up to collect wh@ is ritefully ours

why are we labeled as "hater city?"
because truthfully if u have only dealt with the hip hop and rap artist here then u experience allot of hate because the vast majority of the artist here have ego problems and are fan boys @ heart and have an inferiority complex th@ comes out as extreme hate towards anybody th@ is perceived as doing better than them and that is sad and phucked up , but it has caused us to become known as a hater city..because the biggest hataers here are not the normals , but the actual artist themselves , nobody wants to give props , they just wamma take props from those who deserve and everybody always talkin about wh@ they doing everybody think they are a businessman when most of them have no clue on wh@ it takes to run a lable @ all...when u have a city full of hip hop artist and not hip hop business ppl , th@ breeds an environment th@ causes the artist to compete and vie for imaginary positions th@ are given out from other regions not realizin th@ u create your own llane  or run your own house and stop worry about wh@ the next man got or doesn't have in his house..i would say most of the peeps here our more covetous than anything..they always want wh@ they see the next man or woman with , they think they deserve wh@ somebody else has just because the can string afew words why we have become the hater city... we go out of town talkin greasy about our own it's just so much bullshyt these dudes be on here and they act like ain't nobody looking and like nobody knows..too many old washed up nickas th2 need to step to the side and become the support network , because if u not finna go hard like a 16-21 yr old then all u  can do is sideline hate on their accomplishements , it's not their fault u didn't understand business and u were just doing it for fun , it's not their fault u got a bunch of babies to support and gotta go to a day job , th@ fault is your w
own and @ heart these peeps hate themselves , because they know in their heart they not going anywhere and they just tryin to keep up the facade...and in th@ process the secret and public hate just grows...

i guess i kept it pretty funky , those are my thoughts on those question..i'm always down to discuss my city and my region  especiall when it comes to hiphop our past,present and future.

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