Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Let Me Pull your Coat , when it comes to me....(it is wh@ it is take it for wh@ it's worth)

let me start this off by saying < i have respect for everybody i tagged  ,  I have always supported Chicago hiphop culture and community plus the Midwest..some of u ppl know me personally , some of u ppl have seen me somewhere , but u don't remember , some of us know ppl in common , this quick note is a lil about me , @ least the me th@ matters within the hip hop culture and community of Chicago....first thing first , i'm an Emcee/Mixtape Dj/veejay/poet/producer/promoter/guerilla marketer ....i have been doing them all on and off  usually simultaiously since the mid 80's...i do hip hop music , because th@ is wh@ i do to deal with day to day life ups and downs , i promote  hip hop music and events and artist , because i'm good @ it ,  i make mixtapes , becasue i'm good @ it , i make mixtapes for private and public consumption , even if i didn't do mixtapes for the public i would still be making mixtapes same things goes for emceein and producin..I'm not here to compete with anybody i consider crew or if your from Chicago or the Midwest , because we share Home n common whether we have had the same experiences or not...if u are a hip hop artist and u have recorded songs or a projecct , i respect th@ to the fullest and if it's anything i can do to help u spread wh@ u do , let me know....I produce , but I rarely sell production , becasue I didn't start producing in the first place for other ppl , so if i don't send u a beat or suggest th@ we collab or u suggest th@ we collab chances r u r not gettin a track produced by me , unless it's some money i shouldn't say no to involved...Next I will Never hate on u secretly or to your face...seriously wh@ is the sense in th@ i can spend my time doing better things than hatin on anyone..I'm not a limelight whore , if u not looking for me chances r u won't see or find me ...let me reiterate , i do hip hop music because th@ is wh@ i do for my spiritual and mental well being....now what i get paid for mostly and how i chose to be of a service to the hiphop community and culture is through street , viral and guerilla marketing and promotion coupled with my mixtapes ...my job is to push other artist , th@ is my job that's wh@ i do , so in th@ being said i really don't have the time or the energy left to push myself , so if your thinking  i'm the competition your wrong , becasue your money and talent can make me work for u , i don't have some huge ego to fill , i have deep pockets th@ i like to be kept full ..th@ is my day & night  job and all u day jobbers or night jobbers , know wh@ i'm getting @ , unless u r paying me to miss work , i'm not missing work for u....now collab , is a different story , that means we both r putting equal time ,money and effort  plus energy to  ensure  wh@eva we were working on manifest in realtime..if u r a hip hop artist , let me give u some sound advice , the world does not revolve around u , actually the more ppl you work with and support , the more ppl know u, the more ppl support u and the more ppl spread u , and if u asked me to listen to something , th@ is wh@ i'm gonna do and give u my honest opinion , no hate involved @ all...if u r an artist and i tagged u n this post....really take in everything i'm sayin and not sayin , some of us haven't met yet in realtime..but so far i don't have a problem with anybody..and there isn't a person i tagged that i wouldn't work with , or help promote.if u represent a camp that extends to your team...for the most part , but they gotta get to know me for theyself..now about the work i do i'm not not for free but way cheaper than i would charge anybody else and th@ includes email blasts....mixtape hostings , street campaigns , etc....... whether u feel the same way or not..i'm being a man about mine & letting u know where u stand with me....some ppl i tagged we all do allot of things and we would really have to sit down and talk to see how we could help or benefit  each other. without compromising anything we already have going on seperately.. #truestorydotcom....

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