Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thoughts on American Civic Duty and Pride

It is not good enough to just be apart of something , just to say u r th@ without working to make wh@ your part of better , it's not the presidents job to make america(united states) it's u the average americans job to work hard , work smart and be prepared for the uncertaness of the future. It's your job to teach your children the things they need to know to be a succesful adult and a productive american citizen , not the teaches or the school system , itks your job average american to instill in your family the values th@ will help the walk a path th@ say do righteous instead of just being right. Average american if u think the country is messed up , then it starts with u , not some politician. Th@ is why we have a chain of leadership , th@ goes local , state , then federal. The federal government is the last line of defense , not the first line. U average american have the power to change america in your hands , but u have to become an active participant , not just fans , cheerin or booing on the sidelines , when your political team scores a touchdown or fumbles the ball. Wh@ u don't know will hurt u and keep u from achievin real success. #Hustleology202 #lifeskills #politicsunusual